Paul WrightAdvanced Exercise Options - Paul Wright - 99 mins

In this presentation recorded at a live seminar in Australia - Physiotherapist, exercise expert and program founder - Paul Wright - outlines and describes a wide range of exercise variations that can be used in all training and rehabilitation settings.

This presentation includes:

  • How Paul’s bodybuilding brain conflicts with his physio brain and the lessons you need to learn that apply to your training and program design.
  • Analysis of over 80 exercise variations to keep you and your clients and patients interested and motivated in every session.
  • The key method for hypertrophy and why most training program don’t even use this technique.
  • An explanation of Pauls “body in motion” exercise selection philosophy and a physiological reason for why some exercises are better than others - do you now the best exercises?
  • The anatomy teaching error that confuses many health professionals and the training program that can dramatically improve your client’s results.
  • The mistake made by the Sydney Roosters conditioner that led to a new training program and exercise being added to their conditioning system.
  • The best marketing tool for a trainer and how to get more clients using Pauls methods
  • The overload system that all trainers must use and how to make a push up twice as effective as a bench press - and in half the time
  • The secret soviet lifting machine and how it is used to increased the size and strength of soviet lifters.
  • The shoulder friendly pressing exercise and the minor modification that makes your presses safer for all clients.
  • The great back exercise that is now rarely seen in the gym and why it has died a sad and lonely death.
  • The subtle technique change for bent rows that greatly reduces shoulder risk and injury.
  • How doctors referrals can hamper your rehab program and what to do about it.
  • The key reason why close grip chins will give better results than wide grip chins in almost all programs.
  • The chin up modification essential for rotator cuff strength and stability for athletes - do you know it?
  • How to do a mostly forgotten - old world - lower limb exercise that scares most health professionals and the exercise routinely done that does not raise an eyebrow
  • The legal case Paul was an expert witness in and how the exercise itself went on trial for causing a members back injury - don’t get caught in the same situation.
  • The number one question you must answer that will keep you out of court as a health professional.
  • The squat modification that is essential for people with poor shoulders and stiff thoracic spines - are you increasing the risk of shoulder injury in your clients.
  • The myth about Meniscal injury and deep squatting - what does it mean to you and your clients and patients?
  • The best hamstring exercise on the market for trainers and why this exercise is not done effectively in most fitness and rehabilitation settings.
  • Paul’s calf development theory and how he recruited a podiatrist to help him build better calves - and the lesson we can all learn from Pauls mistakes.
  • The soft support device that has been most effective for treating Achilles tendon issues - and plantar fasciitis pain - do you have one?
  • How Incline Dumbell Presses gave the best ever calf workout and how to use this in your training programs.
  • The 2 stage shoulder movement that gives the best ever Tricep workout - do you use it?
  • How a former all black conditioner modified a Swiss Ball to give great conditioning results for the player
  • Plus Much More

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    About Paul Wright

    Physiotherapist and Founder of

    Paul’s academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Applied Science in Physiotherapy, a Diploma in Education (Physical Education) and an Advanced Diploma in Business Management.

    For the past 20 years Paul has owned and operated multiple Get Active Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinics in Australia - with many of these clinics located inside fitness centres - thus his interest in exercise rehabilitation.

    Paul has been actively involved in clinical education around the world having lectured to over 20,000 health professionals - in the areas of program design, injury prevention, rehabilitation and business development.

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